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Homoeroticism Yay!

kitafic about the one my sometimes mentor (thanks, tiff)


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aporeo - 19:10 on 17 II 2004

sol occidit - 23:29 on 13 I 2004

meminisse haec iuvabit - 11:47 on 16 XII 2003

quiesco - 20:31 on 08 XI 2003

alchera mortuast - 14:40 on 01 X 2003
This is mine. All mine.
thanks are due to sigyn for her patience and help with CSS

28 IX 2002 - 23:05 - trivialis49


So it's been a while since the last time I updated. Indeed, the autumnal equinox has come and gone, which means that it is time for my seasonal rearchiving. I'm loath to do it until I actually have more than one entry on this side of fall, however, so we'll see how I do.

I went to hear Mahler 3 today. I have to say that, as comic as the double bass can be, it's probably the bass instrument I have the most respect for. I can't seem to listen to the tuba without wanting to laugh. Also, bass players can tend to be cute. Not that that has anything to do with my opinion of the instrument. The brass -- especially the offstage brass -- were having problems tonight; a few came in wrong, and there was one section where I swear the trumpet went through half a harmonic series before finally hitting the right note. Overall, though, it was good, and the chorus was pretty good. I wouldn't know so well about the chorus...

I think part of the reason I'm not updating as frequently is not only that I've got a LiveJournal now (after all, I'm not exactly updating that frequently, either), but also that I just feel as if I have less to say these days. I always felt halfway guilty about writing on this thing, anyway, as if I might be forced upon someone who would subsequently be bored to death. Although I know that's not true, I still feel some sort of obligation to be interesting, which is ridiculous. I could be perfectly happy doing only Alchera updates -- and yet, somehow, I can't. This would seem to put me in a bind.

But about having less to say -- I think that's also because this year has been calmer in many ways. My friends and I aren't getting into nearly as many arguements, and when we do disagree, it's much more civil; teachers and the workload are more or less manageable; the hormones are finally going right, and so I'm not incredibly unhappy every day. My body is, of course, still flooded with sex hormones, but I'm beginning to draw out a peace with that. Life, in general, is good, despite that I've got what seems very little time for myself. The world is opening up and getting saner.

I've also gotten (slightly) better at getting myself to bed at a reasonable hour. And with this in mind, I think it's time to finish the last of my tea and get myself to bed.






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