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aporeo - 19:10 on 17 II 2004

sol occidit - 23:29 on 13 I 2004

meminisse haec iuvabit - 11:47 on 16 XII 2003

quiesco - 20:31 on 08 XI 2003

alchera mortuast - 14:40 on 01 X 2003
This is mine. All mine.
thanks are due to sigyn for her patience and help with CSS

2001-07-26 - 12:19 a.m. - defessus7


Entries for the next month or so will be short and probably a bit surly as well; I'm putting together two-thirds of a concert (which will be on 20 August) and I have much work to do... like learning most of a Bach Suite. It's the Fifth, if anyone is interested, so I need to adjust to a different tuning and also to get used to the depth of the piece.

Today I'll be going to meet some friends and we're going to read some quartets. If we play well together, we might even hire ourselves out. If anyone is interested... I'm bringing Ravel, Debussy, Dvorak, Beethoven, Bartok, and Janacek to the session. I think that's it, but I'm not sure... my memory's not too good these days.

The high didn't last, unfortunately, but I am working harder these days with the music (and thanks to the musicians who wrote to say that they knew what I meant; I'm glad I managed to express it in words...) Unfortunately, as noted above, this is making me surlier and moodier than usual... must be all the hormones (ha). I'm just irritable these days, no excuse for it- although I will be seeing my friend A. after I come back from Indianapolis.

Indianapolis, of course, is where my cousin is getting married to my other cousin's cousin. They're not related... cousin B and the groom are my cousins (father's side). The groom is the cousin of B on B's father's side... and the bride is the cousin of B on B's mother's side. It's a little weird. I wish them both happiness, of course.

But why Indianapolis, other than that one of them lives there? And why at the same time as some car race?

Some mysteries were not meant to be examined.

In other news: I may have fallen hard for someone. But it's sort of hard to tell because I don't have any standards of reference.

To anyone who knows what this is from and tells me about it: you will get... um... a reply! From me! (Note: this is not, as my sister would say, an "honest question," because I do know where this is from, for once.) All you have to do is write me - I don't care if it's about the excerpt, or about not knowing anything about anything, or... just write me, please, because I get lonesome and besides, I have to do something besides prepare or else I'm going to explode or kill myself, whichever comes first...

When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Add more to this potpourri: The religious right in this wonderful country of mine would like to amend the Constitution as follows: "Marriage in the United States shall consist of one man and one woman," or something to that effect. I know that somewhere in there was bzz bzz bzz MARRIAGE bzz bzz UNITED STATES bzz bzz ONE MAN ONE WOMAN bzz bzz. I really need to pay more attention...

If marriage is so good and holy, why is it in such danger all the time? Ah. Now I'm not being fair. Plenty of things that are worth having need to be defended quite often... like world peace. Or peace in general. But... *shakes head* if it were so OBVIOUS, and if what I feel is really so heinously wrong... wouldn't you think that the advantages of good old heterosexuality would have turned me by now?

I annoy even myself these days. Time to go back to the cello.

J (:>






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