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aporeo - 19:10 on 17 II 2004

sol occidit - 23:29 on 13 I 2004

meminisse haec iuvabit - 11:47 on 16 XII 2003

quiesco - 20:31 on 08 XI 2003

alchera mortuast - 14:40 on 01 X 2003
This is mine. All mine.
thanks are due to sigyn for her patience and help with CSS

18 I 2002 - 17:24 - brevis31


It's been an interesting day. If my days get any more interesting than they already are, I may quit. Today, I discovered that one of my friends is likely leaving at the end of the year, got pushed near the breaking point with Alon again, went through another Latin quiz, and got into unproductive arguments with a host of people.

Unproductive arguments: like an unproductive cough, but not really.

All right, so it wasn't that interesting, and none of those alone would have made me think that I should have stayed in bed. But once they all piled up on each other, things became all bad...

I went to put on my backpack today, and my back just about gave out. I haven't brought all my books home since we got back to school, which, granted, was not all that long ago, but it's still a shock. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is coming up - this, a long weekend for most elementary/middle/high schools, as I'm pretty sure you're aware, and so I have a bunch of reflections due on Tuesday, which means that I'd better take the approved version of the Bible home, lest I should quote the wrong version (God forbid I quote Catholic School and Church as opposed to Oxford New Standard Revised! Why, such an error would be worthy of... divine retribution by bolt of lightning!), and more than a backpack's worth of textbooks, and the entire assembly weighs in at about 30 pounds. Which is about ten pounds more than one-fifth of my body weight.

I'm thinking this can't be good for me.

According to a couple of quizzes:

Take the Which Radiohead Album are you? Quiz.

Although you may sound like a horrible affliction, you're actually one of the greatest albums of all time. EVERYONE loves you. You have an uncomplicated, charming, and youthful personality, but upon close investigation, there is much to your character. You know most everything, and you're likely to have done well on the SAT's. You perceive the world around you very well, and your thoughts have only been mildly corrupted by modern-day society. Still, there's a hidden side to you that you rarely reveal.
Your most famous songs are High and Dry and Fake Plastic Trees. That one was in the Clueless soundtrack!


Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.

And: things I didn't need a quiz to tell me follow.

Every day I get more and more boring; every day I get more and more convinced that I could go quietly mad and no one would really notice; every day the bottom gets cut out of this diary, leaving only the superstructure of what might once have been a good entry.

I do seem to have an ability to do that.

Will be back later, after having done homework and sleep and other generally good things. I might even listen to all of my Indigo Girls CDs; that usually helps when I'm in moods like this.







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