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aporeo - 19:10 on 17 II 2004

sol occidit - 23:29 on 13 I 2004

meminisse haec iuvabit - 11:47 on 16 XII 2003

quiesco - 20:31 on 08 XI 2003

alchera mortuast - 14:40 on 01 X 2003
This is mine. All mine.
thanks are due to sigyn for her patience and help with CSS

20 III 2002 - 16:26 - trivialis29


Today is the first day of spring, and so it is time for me to rearchive all of my entries. I need, however, to have one to put on the new page first, just because I'd feel wrong creating a page for a nonexistent entry. So I'm writing. Now. Aren't you lucky?

I'm beginning to get the idea that I'm amusing when I'm sleepy. Today in Latin class (both of them) I was around enough tired people that we would begin to laugh at the dumbest things (and then our teacher would start laughing at how dumb we were). Like:

In the Aeneid, book six, there is a discussion of how Pollux is able to share his immortality with his brother by dying on alternate days. This led us to about five minutes of laughter during which we tried to understand how one could trade immortality:

"so... he's immortal... and then he dies... but he's still immortal... and he shares his immortality with his dead brother... who... what!?"

In retrospect, it wasn't that amusing, but we sure thought it was so at the time. Also, I had difficulty coming up with a thesis statement for my English paper today. I have to have an outline for the paper tomorrow, so I'm not looking forward to that. The school cello is finally being fixed, thank God, although I secretly hope that it will mysteriously be crushed until it is little more than a mass of splinters so that the school has to buy a new cello which, if of questionable quality, should be at least somewhat durable.

My history teacher likes my thesis statement for my research paper, which is a good sign, because this is the first paper-related assignment in which I have not been missing the extra part of the assignment which I was supposed to pick up through telepathy. Examples:

On the assignment sheet, it says, "topic due." In all classes previous to this, that has meant an index card with maybe five words on it. Our teachers want two typed paragraphs with some background about the topic and what we want to explore. It makes sense, sure, but they could have told us... *whines* and then there was the bibliography. I have the quote in my notes: "one primary source, two print sources, one reference source." My bibliography comes back with "WHERE'S YOUR ONLINE SOURCE?" scrawled across the top in the big capital letters of death.

Clearly, there is a failure to communicate in this class.

On the plus side. I have 95 minutes free in the morning tomorrow, because instead of orchestra class (which you all know I love, right?), there is a rehearsal for Oklahoma! You've read before perhaps about how I got out of that pit orchestra, so I won't bore you with details. I have to show up at 8, but I don't have anything to do after that until, ugh, health class. This week, we're learning about illegal drugs and their effects. Maybe I'll bring some homework to do during both my free time and my health block. (Yes, I'm a terrible, terrible person.)

I'm tired. I think I want to go to sleep so I can have good dreams and be unwilling to wake up. Actually, my good dreams are the stuff of some of my friends' nightmares, but that's all right and is to be expected (since I am a teenager and the hormones are doing their dangerous magic in my blood). You might have noticed that I'm in a better mood today. I certainly did.

I don't think it can last, though. This is just a hiatus before all hell breaks loose again. On a completely different note, I have had five nosebleeds in the past four days, and I cannot understand why my nose is suddenly so unhappy.

I was talking to Tiff today about both Perrelli (who exists) and Angelus (who doesn't really exist) and was amused to find that she then brought Spike (again, non-existent) into the mix. Because we then proceeded to argue about who would make a better mate, and oh, we do so need lives to lead.

It does make nice contemplation in the interim, though.

To close: Lilybet thinks I should do something to mark entry no. 200, and Parker has beautiful collarbones. (Not to be confused, as a note, with Adam, who is the one with the beautiful brown eyes, more liquid and hence more pleasing than mine could ever be.)






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