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we. love. dymphna.net -

Homoeroticism Yay!

kitafic about the one my sometimes mentor (thanks, tiff)


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diary rings, links, banners

aporeo - 19:10 on 17 II 2004

sol occidit - 23:29 on 13 I 2004

meminisse haec iuvabit - 11:47 on 16 XII 2003

quiesco - 20:31 on 08 XI 2003

alchera mortuast - 14:40 on 01 X 2003
This is mine. All mine.
thanks are due to sigyn for her patience and help with CSS

03 IV 2002 - 18:05 - trivialis35


so. it's been a while since i updated. i've been in an absurdly good mood for most of the week which is just now starting to wear off as i realize that i have to get my report *done.* also, my math must be understood, but i'll be damned if it's going to be understood by me. i'm only a musician. i can barely count up to four.

in the past few days i've gone out with friends - had lunch on monday with an sfday friend, which was awkward (lots of silences and giggling), and then today went to get a library card with t. was surprised because she hadn't told me she was going to dye her hair, which is now reddish (as opposed to blonde). walked around a bit, showed her around the main library, and screwed around on the microfilm machine. i put the reel in backwards - whoops - and amused her by refusing to ask for directions. in case you're reading this, t.: yes, my penis would have fallen off had i asked for directions. it's as simple as that. then she figured out how to put it on the right way (fancy that!) it didn't have what we needed, though, which was an obituary for klimt. sigh. we were probably looking in the wrong place.

also. i have made some progress in figuring the shostakovich out. it's been a little more than a week (maybe) and i can get through the thing at a decent clip. i still have problems with a couple of the shifts over the greater intervals; with time and practice, however, i should be able to clear that out. t. says that after watching me she understands why i compare a good playout to an orgasm. er. i might want to think about taking that comment down sometime but i think i'll leave it on for now.

i'm auditioning for a couple of btvs rpgs as well. i don't know how insane i must have gone but, there i am. sigh. i should rethink this whole time commitment thing. i should actually be writing my essay. however. the essay continues to languish low on my list of priorities, to be kicked higher only when it is midnight the day before the outline is due. sometimes i really don't like myself. er, i almost always don't. but i think you know what i mean. i don't like myself for my procrastination.

also: making a couple of banners for the brat queen since i have suddenly jumped into saying, hey! i like what she does! and being almost fanatical about it.

whoo, it's 7. i love how i can draw out writing an entry for so long.

said as t. and i were walking down the street:

"is she just tiny or is he huge?"


"no! i didn't mean it like that, you dork!"

aw t. i loooove you so much of the time.

i've been smiling more recently and laughing for no good reason at all and i don't think i want this ever to end, except for that while it goes on, i get no work done. there's always a tradeoff, isn't there.






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