who do i visit when i'm not on dland?
tbq slash

we. love. dymphna.net -

Homoeroticism Yay!

kitafic about the one my sometimes mentor (thanks, tiff)


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aporeo - 19:10 on 17 II 2004

sol occidit - 23:29 on 13 I 2004

meminisse haec iuvabit - 11:47 on 16 XII 2003

quiesco - 20:31 on 08 XI 2003

alchera mortuast - 14:40 on 01 X 2003
This is mine. All mine.
thanks are due to sigyn for her patience and help with CSS

04 IV 2002 - 21:37 - brevis42


5 May is Orthdox Easter. K., I'll have your head yet. Just wait.

I got Raych hooked on BtVS as well... soon I will have enough to form a cult and then we can become a religion and apply for non-profit status. Just see if we can be stopped then.

So. I have nothing to say, which means I will be back after a horizontal rule and perhaps a few days' space. Enjoy your night.

so i'm back, friday, and i went to visit my grandmother in san jose today. or rather, i visited her room. you see, we forgot to call before we left the house, which meant that she wasn't there to receive us and our gifts. no worries, she doesn't. lock. her. door. all right, so no worries for her and we're able to leave her a nice note, but now i'm worried as hell about it and my mother is "oh well, whatever." ha.

that was pretty much my day. as is becoming usual around here, no work got done either on my personal writing or the mountains of reading i have to do before i can write my report. well, maybe a little on the personal front. but it's still crap so you're not seeing any of it.

i think i do better with these multi-day entries. (do suppose i'm entitled to my erroneous opinion, yes?) also good is stilted, bordering-on-nonsensical grammar. idiosyncratic, people say. those in the know say it's a weird synthesis of chinese immigrant grammar and hypercorrect english (i have all of my latin teachers to thank for that. all. two.) do forgive, my head is bouncing off the walls of late (although the good mood has dissipated) and to sustain thought? quite impossible, thank you very much. report due in a couple of days but that pales to coming of Slava.

take care for then. and yes, i'm aware that the last made absolutely no sense.






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