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Homoeroticism Yay!

kitafic about the one my sometimes mentor (thanks, tiff)


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aporeo - 19:10 on 17 II 2004

sol occidit - 23:29 on 13 I 2004

meminisse haec iuvabit - 11:47 on 16 XII 2003

quiesco - 20:31 on 08 XI 2003

alchera mortuast - 14:40 on 01 X 2003
This is mine. All mine.
thanks are due to sigyn for her patience and help with CSS

08 XII 2001 - 22:17 - vita10


There will be two entries tonight because I got a good idea for another one of the "ego" entries. I don't mean that in the Anglicized sense of ego, either; it's descriptive, really - the entry is me, and I am the entry. But if you don't want that sort of thing, go here for the next entry, the one that doesn't describe how I look.

So a couple of good things and a couple of bad things have happened to me since I updated last:

Of the good-

A lot of people enjoyed our winter concert. Even though I thought we sounded awful, which would I suppose go under "of the bad." But we brought pleasure to many people. Sort of like a really big vibrator with a lot of extensions, but less sticky and possibly less humiliating as communal experiences go. Wow, my analogies suck.

Raych sent me a letter. My very own letter! I have to say that I have no idea what "your handwriting is very gay" is supposed to mean. Gay person, gay handwriting, or so I thought. For what it's worth, her handwriting is much more... masculine than mine is. And it's just fine; it does not look like the product of someone lacking fine motor skills. I'm sorry about the homoeroticism business in English class and about making you go blind; if you don't get online soon, this will be coming soon in a letter.

We had a fire drill at the Conservatory today; it was sort of pointless because we filed out with our instruments, waited ten minutes, and got back in. The head of the department came through beforehand, telling all the classes, "get ready, we're going to have a fire drill." One wonders if that sort of defeats the point. But whatever. It was cold outside. Amusing, too.

We're getting a group together at SFSYO for From The Top... we'll see how that goes...

Talked to A. and G. today. If I wasn't out to them before, I sure as hell am now, but that question is ridiculous, because G. definitely knew, and A. seemed to know. They called me feminine. Hmm. I also got called an imp and an elf today in orchestra... (and this is my repayment for calling A. a sprite!?)

Of the bad:

Conservatory concert today. Al played badly, our group played badly, things went badly.

I am nervous about my first day of community service at Under One Roof. I went to the volunteer orientation and everything, but everything has slipped my mind! Argh. What if they hate me? What if they tell me to get the hell out and never to show my face again? All right, that's getting sort of ridiculous, but maybe you know sort of what I mean?

All right, now that I've got that off my chest, I can write, maybe, and so replies to my guestbook: thanks to M. for his comments regarding my diary - that's sort of neat, the convergence of the knowing (wow, obscure prose much?)- and what I meant by that is the whole Frannie-Sparkmatch thing, will read your diary, but truth be told it is difficult at times just because of the rather fluid nature of the typing, so working rather slowly. "Funny" isn't the word I'd use for it - more like "demented," maybe, but hey, to each his own.

Christmas concert on 15 December in Davies Symphony Hall, a billion review sessions before then, and then the week of the 17th, finals (ack igh archpth).

I'll be seeing you later.

ater, atra, atrum gloomy, black






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